The End of the Line (Psalm 150)

The End of the Line (Psalm 150)

This is the last of my devotionals in the Psalms. The document containing all these posts, before today, comprised 102,318 words. That’s toward the upper end word count of a commercial novel! In many ways, it feels like the end of the line. Commentators have long...
Worship in Truth (Psalm 148)

Worship in Truth (Psalm 148)

Jesus once told a Samaritan woman that God is looking for worshippers who will worship in spirit and truth (John 4:24). Worship, in other words, should be offered enthusiastically (“spirit”) and according to how God has revealed himself (“truth”). It might sound...
Worthy of Our Praise (Psalm 147)

Worthy of Our Praise (Psalm 147)

Psalms 146–150 are sometimes called “the final hallel.” These closing five psalms all begin the same way: “Praise the LORD” (or, in Hebrew, hallelujah). It is generally thought that Book 5 of the Psalms (107–150) was compiled long after the return from exile. These...
It’s All about You (Psalm 86)

It’s All about You (Psalm 86)

Matt Redman recounts the story of a time when apathy was widespread in his home church’s musical expression. Songs were sung, but the congregation was simply going through the motions. The pastor decided to get rid of the musicians and the sound system for a season...
The Rule of Praise (Psalm 81)

The Rule of Praise (Psalm 81)

Psalm 81 is a psalm that fits, once again, into the broader context of the Babylonian exile. This psalm, however, is unique in that it speaks from God’s perspective. Rather than the people crying out to God for relief and asking why and how long, here he speaks back...